ARC495 Y1 F: Design Research Internship (DRIP) is a full (1.0) credit course.

DRIP places 3rd and 4th-year BAAS students in leading Toronto design practices for a period of 6 weeks during the May-June Summer period.

Eligible students require a prerequisite of 1.0 credit ARC 300-level courses, and the course will also be open to include 4th year graduated students.


A committee of Daniels faculty members, the DRIP Academic Committee will review and assess student applications, including submitted CV, statement of interest, portfolio as well as grades to create a short list of recommended candidates to each participating design firm. Firm-specific short lists are also informed by both student and firm declared top keywords of interest. * The final ranking, matching students to internships, will be selected by the firms themselves. Selection is based on academic consideration, portfolio strength, and DRIP fit.


Each academic year, important and accurate DRIP information is posted on the Daniels Faculty website in January specific to that Summer’s DRIP offering.


In general, students should know that DRIP is a full credit course designed as a University of Toronto Academic Internship. It places selected 3rd and 4th-year BAAS students in leading Toronto design practices for a period of 6 weeks during the May-June Summer Term. During this time, interns will work full-time, four days per week with their host firm, while Wednesdays will be reserved for academic activity and attending a weekly seminar with Professor Pina Petricone. DRIP will define for students models of practice, research, and interdisciplinary design, and will also help the participants build connections with members of Toronto’s professional community.


Final grading is determined by internship performance and host firm feedback/evaluation, contribution and participation in weekly seminar, and quality of Final DRIP Document.

Wednesday Seminars

Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday (4 days/week) interns work with their host office. Each Wednesday is reserved for academic activity, including mandatory attendance at the ARC495Y1 F seminar on Wednesdays, 2pm-5pm at the Daniels Faculty for the duration of the internship.


As an Academic Internship, interns are not employed directly by their host firm and continue to be covered by the University of Toronto insurance policy. Practitioners compensate their interns, however in the form of a lump sum stipend in the amount of $3,360 at the conclusion of the internship. This assumes a rate of $20 per hour, 4 days per week, for the duration of six weeks. Paperwork required for International Students participating in DRIP is supported by the UofT’s Centre for International Experience. (https://internationalexperience.utoronto.ca/international-student-services)

Application Requirements

Eligible applicants must submit a Summer Course Application Form, CV, Statement of Interest, and a Portfolio to be considered for DRIP.

Specific details regarding application requirements, and important dates including application deadline must be found on the Daniels Faculty website for each year of DRIP.

In general, details of each new year of DRIP are posted in January of that year with an application deadline date in February.

List of Participating Firms

Although the majority of each year’s host firms continue to participate in DRIP, they are joined by many organizations new to DRIP each year. We are committed to ensuring inclusivity and to increasing diversity in our great roster of partnering design practitioners as the program grows. We would love to hear from you if you have any recommendations for opportune additions to the list.