Urban Design Studio Thesis
The Research Studio will centre on the research question “Can development enhance rather than detract from the quality of the landscape?” It uses the greenbelt as an entry point to speculate about the future of cities, taking into consideration ecological, mobility, social, and economic systems, in relation to built-form. It will focus on how can we frame growth within a discourse that moves beyond a binary vision of urban and rural towards a more dualistic one, building on other urban frameworks including Ebenezer Howard’s Garden City, Patrick Geddes’ Valley Section, and the Horizontal Metropolis of Paola Vigano.
- Kurtis Chen
- Siqing Hu
- Yongxian Huang
- Rida Khan
- Yaermaimaiti Manzure
- Lindsey Nantes
- Ruotian Tan
- Yuxin Ti