Sensitive Densification: Adaptive Reuse in Parkdale

Adimchi Atisele, Technology Stream

Nicholas Hoban, Advisor

, Advisor

In the present day, gentrification has led to Parkdale neighbourhood in Toronto experiencing rapid growth. Increasing demand is resulting in commercial and residential rental prices rising at an unsustainable rate. However, members of the community are passionate about preserving Parkdale’s architectural fabric, so the glass and steel condominiums that are typical for Toronto are not well-received in the area. Parkdale’s strength has always been in its sense of community, and using the Neighbourhood Land Trust to purchase the plots of land on which existing buildings reside allows the residents to get directly involved in the process of densification, adding to the existing fabric rather than removing and replacing it. This thesis will explore an alternative means of densifying the area through the process of sensitive densification.