
This website features samples of the richly diverse creative work of 2022–2023 thesis students in the Bachelor of Arts in Architectural Studies [BAAS] program at the Daniels Faculty of Architecture, Landscape, and Design. 

At the conclusion of the third year in the program, students in three BAAS Specialist Streams – Design; Technologies; and History, Theory and Criticism – are eligible to apply for thesis, to be conducted during the fourth and final year of the program. 

Thesis is a year-long endeavor at the Daniels Faculty. Once selected, all BAAS thesis students take a Senior Research Seminar in the Fall term, led by one of three Daniels Faculty members who continue as advisors to their group of thesis students throughout the year. Senior Seminars have topics or themes chosen by the advisor of each group. 



‘The Digital,’ Nicholas Hoban

[Technology Stream]

‘On Generosity,’ Laura Miller  

[Design Stream]

‘Visualizing Planetarity,’ Simon Rabyniuk

[History, Theory, Criticism Stream; Design Stream]


During the Fall, students work to develop individual thesis proposals, pursuing their research through reading, writing, design, fabrication, case study analysis, as well as discussion and debate. In the Winter term’s Senior Thesis Design Studio, students further develop their research, extending into design projects. Final Thesis Reviews, the culmination of a year’s work, are held at the end of April.


Laura Miller, Associate Professor of Architecture (Faculty Advisor)
Timothy Fung and Jacob Muller (Student Team)
Alexander Ponomaroff (Programmer & Interactive Media Developer, Daniels)