Navigating Reality Through Myth and Belief: Filipino Lower Mythological Creatures’ Influence on Nature’s Preservation

Noemi Cabalbag, Studio Stream

Karen Kraven and Gareth Long, Advisor

Despite the destruction inflicted on Filipino culture by Spanish and American colonization, pre-colonial customs have persisted, particularly in oral literature. Filipino folklore and mythology coexist with Christian doctrines in day-to-day existence. This hybrid, also known as 'folk Christianity,' demonstrates the enduring animistic beliefs of the Filipino people, such as using expressions like 'tabi-tabi po' to pay respect to mythical beings. Stories of lower mythological beings, though fostering fear, also shape Filipinos' behavior towards the natural environment, promoting respect, harmony, and preservation. Despite the fear, Filipinos' engagement with these narratives reflects how they perceive reality, blurring boundaries between the mystical and tangible, fostering a deeper understanding of interconnectedness.