“The general quality of the landscape is tough, simple, strongly textured, and urban.”1
- Michael Hough
Ontario Place has undergone multiple physical transformations since it was first opened in 1971, such as the replacement of the Forum in 1994 with what is now the Budweiser Stage, as well as the demolition of the Children’s Village in 2002. However, approximately half of its ground surface materials today are presumed original to Hough’s design, such as concrete walls and steps, asphalt paving, and stone edge conditions.2
Furthermore, original landscape features like benches, lampposts, wooden stairs and retaining walls, as well as berms planted with trees dating to the opening of the site also remain in Ontario Place today.
1. Hough Stansbury and Associates, 1970, Ontario Place – The First Step in the Renewal of Toronto’s Waterfront (1970), p. 39.
2. Ibid.
Material Inventory Drawings by Anne Field and Ozyka Videlia