We consider applications competitively, based on all documentation submitted in accordance with the regulations of the School of Graduate Studies admission requirements. We welcome candidates from a variety of undergraduate backgrounds including but not limited to biological, physical and social science, engineering, and forestry. Please note that meeting admission requirements are for your guidance only and meeting the minimum requirements does not in any way guarantee admission.

2025/26 applications open October 1, 2024, and will not be processed or considered until the application fee payment is received and the application is complete. 

Master of Forest Conservation

  • Online Admission Application
  • Copy of Transcript(s): Domestic applicants must complete an appropriate bachelor’s degree, or its equivalent, with an average of at least mid-B from a recognized university in the final year of study. International applicants should hold an appropriate bachelor’s degree or its equivalent as assessed by the University of Toronto. Use the International Credentials Equivalencies Tool to see which international credentials are required for master’s programs at U of T.
  • Curriculum Vitae: Resume
  • References: When completing the online application form, you will be required to enter contact information for three referees. Once your payment is received, the system will send invitations to your referees asking them to complete the referee report. Please speak to your referees ahead of time to confirm their availability and willingness to participate before submitting their contact details on the online application form.
  • Statement of Interest: Applicants are required to submit a 250-500 word letter of interest describing the relevance of your background and interests to the program and your reasons for applying.
  • Proof of English Language proficiency


Early Application Deadline:  January 6, 2025. You must make your application payment and submit all transcripts electronically by this date. Note that transcripts are uploaded only after the payment is made.

Early Application Documents Deadline: January 13, 2025: You must submit all other supporting documents (Letters of Reference, CV, and a Statement of Interest by this date.

Final Application Deadline: March 28, 2025:  All applications, transcripts and supporting documents will be accepted up until this date.

  • It is to your advantage to complete your application as early as possible.
  • Some applicants may not receive an offer of admission or refusal until after the application closing date.


Master of Science in Forestry

  • Online Admission Application
  • Copy of Transcript(s): Must have completed an appropriate bachelor’s degree from a recognized university, with a final-year average of at least mid-B. A minimum of B+ is required for the collaborative specialization.
  • International applicants should hold an appropriate bachelor’s degree or its equivalent as assessed by the University of Toronto. Use the
  • International Credentials Equivalencies Tool to see which international credentials are required for master’s programs at U of T.
  • Curriculum Vitae: Resume
  • Supervision: Students conduct research under the supervision of a faculty member (See Research Interests of our Faculty Members and Openings for MScF and PhD students).  Applicants are not required to secure a supervisor prior to submitting an application, but it is essential that they find a potential supervisor who has interest and sufficient funds to fulfill the supervisor’s part of the guaranteed student funding package. We strongly advise you to contact potential supervisors via email well in advance of the application deadline. Names of one or more potential supervisors who have responded with interest must be provided in the applicant’s Letter of Intent.
  • References: When completing the online application form, you will be required to enter contact information for three referees. Once your payment is received, the system will send invitations to your referees asking them to complete the referee report. Please speak to your referees ahead of time to confirm their availability and willingness to participate before submitting their contact details on the online application form.
  • Statement of Interest: required to submit a letter of intent indicating the following; the forestry sub-field in which you wish to conduct research (if the area of interest is broad, such as forest biology, a particular area should be specified, e.g., forest soils, forest entomology, etc.), a brief description of your proposed research, two to four courses relevant to your proposed research, why you wish to obtain your MScF/PhD degree and a Faculty member you would prefer to fulfill the role of your supervisor.
  • Writing sample: This should be a copy of or excerpt from what you consider to be your best publication or best essay. Please limit to 10 pages or less.
  • Proof of English Language proficiency


Early Application Deadline:  January 6, 2025. You must make your application payment and submit all transcripts electronically by this date. Note that transcripts are uploaded only after the payment is made. Applications received by January 6 will also be considered for graduate scholarships.

Early Application Documents Deadline: January 13, 2025: You must submit all other supporting documents (Letters of Reference, CV, and a Statement of Interest by this date.

Final Application Deadline: March 28, 2025:  All applications, transcripts and supporting documents will be accepted up until this date.

  • It is to your advantage to complete your application as early as possible.
  • Some applicants may not receive an offer of admission or refusal until after the application closing date.

Doctor of Philosophy in Forestry

  • Online Admission Application
  • Copy of Transcript(s): Must have completed an appropriate master’s degree from a recognized university with at least an A- standing, in a discipline appropriate to the intended field of doctoral study and research. International applicants should hold an appropriate master’s degree or its equivalent as assessed by the University of Toronto. Use the
  • International Credentials Equivalencies Tool to see which international credentials are required for doctoral programs at U of T.
  • Curriculum Vitae: Resume
  • Supervision: Students conduct research under the supervision of a faculty member (See Research Interests of our Faculty Members and Openings for MScF and PhD students).  Applicants are not required to secure a supervisor prior to submitting an application, but it is essential that they find a potential supervisor who has interest and sufficient funds to fulfill the supervisor’s part of the guaranteed student funding package. We strongly advise you to contact potential supervisors via email well in advance of the application deadline. Names of one or more potential supervisors who have responded with interest must be provided in the applicant’s Letter of Intent.
  • References: When completing the online application form, you will be required to enter contact information for three referees. Once your payment is received, the system will send invitations to your referees asking them to complete the referee report. Please speak to your referees ahead of time to confirm their availability and willingness to participate before submitting their contact details on the online application form.
  • Statement of Interest: required to submit a letter of intent indicating the following; the forestry sub-field in which you wish to conduct research (if the area of interest is broad, such as forest biology, a particular area should be specified, e.g., forest soils, forest entomology, etc.), a brief description of your proposed research, two to four courses relevant to your proposed research, why you wish to obtain your MScF/PhD degree and a Faculty member you would prefer to fulfill the role of your supervisor.
  • Writing sample: This should be a copy of or excerpt from what you consider to be your best publication or best essay. Please limit to 10 pages or less.
  • Proof of English Language proficiency


Early Application Deadline:  January 6, 2025. You must make your application payment and submit all transcripts electronically by this date. Note that transcripts are uploaded only after the payment is made. Applications received by January 6 will also be considered for graduate scholarships.

Early Application Documents Deadline: January 13, 2025: You must submit all other supporting documents (Letters of Reference, CV, and a Statement of Interest by this date.

Final Application closing: March 28, 2025.  All transcripts and other supporting documents must be received by this date.

  • It is to your advantage to complete your application as early as possible.
  • Some applicants may not receive an offer of admission or refusal until after the application closing date.


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