PhD Candidate
Birat KC graduated in 2011 from the University of Toronto with a BSc (Hon.) in Biomaterial Science and Global Health. As a part of his 4th year thesis (supported by Ontario Centre for Excellence ‘OCE’), he studied the effects of thermal modification on mechanical and physical properties of industrial waste-filled plastic composites. During his Bachelors, he also worked at the “Wood Chemistry Lab” and “Center for Biomaterials and Biocomposite processing (CBBP)”. He was involved in various projects such as development of adhesives from secondary paper-mill sludge and biocomposite manufacturing and characterization. In 2011, he joined the group as a Masters student. He began working on biomaterial database development and Moldflow® simulations on various automotive parts using biocomposites. During this period, he also interned at Ford PERDC (Windsor, ON) and Crest Mold Technologies (Windsor, ON) which enhanced his understanding of current product development challenges with the sustainable materials. In 2012, he was transferred into a PhD program. Since then, he has been focusing on applying computer-aided design and engineering (CAD & CAE) techniques to optimize the material-based design challenges. In 2013, he was a recipient of “MITACS Accelerate” internship program and “Canada-Brazil Joint-research” award. It was an excellent opportunity for him to work closely with the Ford Motor Company (in Brazil and Canada) and join their research activities in developing sustainable materials. Besides his research, he enjoy travelling around the world, going on a hike & bike, cooking, and playing various sports mainly soccer, volleyball and table tennis.