Assistant Professor

BSc (Natural Resources Engineering – Forestry, University of Guilan)

MSc (Forestry, University of Tehran)

PhD (Risk Management in Forestry, University of Freiburg)

Phone: 416-978-5004




Rasoul Yousefpour studies forest decision processes to find the most desirable adaptation and mitigation strategies.  He includes economics of ecosystem goods and services as well as the risks and uncertainties associated with forecasting the future provision of ecosystem production system under global change and social demand dynamics. The ultimate goal of his studies is linking forest ecosystem processes and functions to management oriented and economy-based solutions. Most of the research applies ecological economic approaches which are data-driven and process-based to optimize the forest decision outcomes.

Current research:

  • Modelling forest management systems of Ontario conifer and broadleaved forests
  • Adaptive forest management approaches for Canadian forest systems under global change
  • Analyzing and managing risks and uncertainties inherent in forest system
  • Analyzing supply and demand dynamics of timber integrating novel timber products
  • Forest nature-based solutions for green economy (e.g. water services, natural hazards protection)


2024/25 Courses

FOR201H1: Conservation of Tropical and Sub-tropical Forests

FOR303H1: Human Dimensions of Global Forests

FOR3003H: Economics of Forest Ecosystems

FOR3004H: Forest Management Decision Support Systems


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