Senior Research Associate

Samir K. Konar received his Ph.D. degree in synthetic organic chemistry from the Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur, India in 1981. He has contributed over 31 years of his applied organic chemistry research to the University of Toronto. He spent his first 7 years on pesticide research (with Professor D.N. Roy Faculty of Forestry, University of Toronto) and the next 20 years on biodiesel technology (with Professor David G.B. Boocock of Department of Chemical Engineering and Applied Chemistry, University of Toronto). Biodiesel technology has already been implemented by Biox Corporation in the biodiesel plant in Hamilton, Ontario. Since November, 2009, he has been working as a senior research associate with Professor Mohini Sain of Faculty of Forestry, University of Toronto on various research projects such as, synthesis of polyol from plant oil, preparation of PVC free foams, and thermally stable nanocomposites.