Professor, Department of Engineering Sciences and Mathematics, Amnesforetradare – Kristiina Oksman
My research interests are composite materials from renewable resources with a focus on
- Composite processing technologies
- Relationship between micro structure and mechanical behavior
- Composites long term properties
I received my PhD from Lulea University of Technology, in Sweden 1997 on wood thermoplastic composites. After a period as project leader at SICOMP (Swedish Institute of Composites) in Pitea, Sweden I was appointed as professor at Polymers and polymer based composites at NTNU 2001
and now as Adjunct professor in the University of Toronto at Faculty of Forestry. I have collaborated with Forest Products Laboratory in Madison, USA since 1994 being a visiting scientist on wood thermoplastic composites during several time periods and also working in a organizing committee on wood fiber thermoplastic composite conference, which is held every second year in Madison. The most important collaboration partners are University of Toronto, Centre for Biocomposites and Biomaterials Processing in Toronto, Canada, Chalmers Technical University, Biopolymer Technology, in Gothenburg, Sweden, Helsinki University, Department of Applied Chemistry and Microbiology in Helsinki, Finland and with Forest Products Laboratory in Madison, USA on wood thermoplastic composites and on bio-nanocomposites.