Transformation and Annotation of Crowd-Sourced open data into the Global Urban Data Repository
The increasing urbanization and rising need for sustainable development demand effective urban planning, infrastructure development and upgrades. This is a difficult problem due to fiscal limitations and dynamic nature of cities. A novel approach to address this issue is through urban informatics, which uses urban-related data, with aids from mathematical tools and computer science, to…
Working draft of “Dynamic Models of Urban Segregation”
lineGenerative models of urban form A working draft of “Dynamic Models of Urban Segregation” is now online. It can be viewed here. The draft contains a number of videos that illustrate how the presence of physical venues modify the classic segregation processes described by Thomas Schelling, generating distinctively spatial patterns of order and change.
Interactive tool for visualizing urban ecology of musical unconventionality is online
lineCities as ecological niches To understand how the relationship between musicians’ unconventionality and popularity varies across cities, we built in interactive visualization tool. It can be accessed here. The tool allows a user to compare cities in terms of the musicians that are located there. Across cities, there tends to be an “inverted U” pattern, whereby…
“Political Order of the City” maps featured in Toronto Star
lineCities as ecological niches In an article about Toronto’s Political Divide, The Toronto Star has featured a number of maps developed as part of the Political Order of the City project.
The city is constantly making new versions of itself
A core idea of urban genetics is that cities are constantly making new versions of themselves. The degree to which the new version resembles the previous one varies. If there is no resemblance, then there is no genetic code to speak of; it is a world without memory or inheritance. If there is absolute fidelity,…