Climate Change Solution for Auto Sectors Workshop
Monday, December 12th, 2016
Hosted by University of Toronto
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Innovative Chemistry and Engineering Solutions to GHGs Reduction
Climate change is one of the most significant challenges facing the world today to achieve sustainable development and this threatens to drag millions of people into relentless poverty. This rise in temperature could trigger widespread disasters such as rising sea levels, violent and volatile weather patterns, desertification, famine, and water shortages. Though we do not have better know-how and solutions to avert this global crisis and create opportunities for a better life globally, each country and regions will need to find their own best practices and options for low-carbon growth and emissions reduction to combat with this climatic challenges and hence sustainable development. Transportation is one of the significant contributors to climate change challenges.
The University of Toronto is at the forefront to initiate innovative techniques to mitigate the rising concerns of climate change including emission reduction. The major objectives of this one-day workshop is to bring together academic, industry, and government policy advisors in this field for a networking event to discuss the issues and challenges facing the world today on the emission reduction in transportation sector and to discuss develop innovative ideas to reduce the carbon footprint in automobile manufacturing and hence to shape a better future.
A particular focus of the workshop is to provide targeted industry-driven solutions and financial support to encourage post-secondary researchers at the universities to connect with industry and other knowledge end-user communities and government policy advisors in order to form new partnerships to combat the war on climate change by transforming the automotive sectors in Toronto, Ontario and Canada.
For detailed agenda, please click here