On the evening of Thursday, June 7th, 2018, the Faculty of Forestry’s Class of 2018 gathered together once more. Thirty-Two Master of Forest Conservation students and one Ph.D. candidate received their diplomas this year, after many long hours of studious preparation. A hearty congratulations to all! |

MFC graduate Alex Stepniak is eager to start the ceremony! |

Forestry staff member Laura Lapchinski led the graduate procession with the Faculty of Forestry’s official gonfalon which was placed on stage at the start of the ceremony. |

Dean Robert Wright and Professor Sandy Smith preparing to walk in the Chancellor’s Procession. |

MFC graduates waiting to “cross the grass.” |

Our Ph.D. graduate, Rhoda deJonge! |

MFC graduates Tiffany Chu, Catherine Edwards & Cali Fox |

MFC graduates Annonicade Murat, Daniela Palacios & Shanelle Labrie |

Waiting to enter Convocation Hall |

Waiting to enter Convocation Hall |

Entering Convocation Hall |

Inside! MFC graduates Shanelle Labrie, Ryan Kaiser, Shannon Kainula & Joey Kabigting |

MFC graduates Tiffany Chu, Catherine Edwards, Stephanie Robinson, Megan Rowcliffe, Artheez Sathiyasiri & Alex Stepniak |
– Photos courtesy of Graduate Administrator Deborah Paes, and MFC graduates Tiffany Chu, Annonciade Murat & Theri Reichlin