2020 Forestry Publications
Forestry’s 2020 peer-reviewed publications:
Faculty members | Papers Reviewed and Published |
Professor Patrick James | Carbayo HR, Pino J, Bonal R, James PMA, Hampe A, Espelta JM. (in press). Disentangling the effects of host genetic identity, ontogeny and spatial distribution in insect herbivory in expanding oak forests. Annals of Forest Science |
Larroque J, Johns R, Canape J, Morin B, James PMA. (in press). Spatial genetic structure at the leading edge of a spruce budworm outbreak: the role of dispersal in outbreak spread. Forest Ecology and Management. | |
Robert L-E, Sturtevant BR, Kneeshaw DD, James PMA, Fortin M-J, Wolter P, Townsend P, Cooke BJ. (in press) Forest landscape structure governs the cyclic-eruptive spatial dynamics of forest tent caterpillar outbreaks. Ecosphere. | |
Professor Jay Malcolm | Forest harvesting and the carbon debt in boreal east-central Canada. Jay R Malcolm, Bjart Holtsmark and Paul W. Piascik. Climate Change. Malcolm_online_2020_Article_ForestHarvestingAndTheCarbonDe |
Professor Shashi Kant | Yiwen, Z. Kant, S., and Long, H. 2020. Collective Action Dilemma after China’s Forest Tenure Reform: Operationalizing Forest Devolution in a Rapidly Changing Society Land 2020, 9(2), 58 |
Yiwen, Z. and Kant, S. 2020. Partitioning Commons and Devolving Them from Communal to Sub-Communal Groups: Evidence from China’s Community Forest Management Organizations. International Journal of the Commons, 14(1), pp. 44–60. DOI: http://doi.org/10.5334/ijc.967 |
Professor Sally Krigstin | An assessment of ambient and heated forced air drying pre-treatments for enhancing the quality of various forest biomass feedstocks, by Jay Mak, Hubert Landry, Lorne Grieger, Joy Agnew, Sally Krigstin, Christopher Helmeste, Suzanne Wetzel, Sebnem Madrali, Sylvain Volpé, published in Frontiers in Energy Research, section Bioenergy and Biofuels. Link to article online: Click Here |
Professor Emeritus David Martell | Clark, Nicholas A. and David L. Martell. 2020. The use of aircraft tracking GPS data to develop models of the use of airtankers in forest fire management, INFOR: Information Systems and Operational Research, DOI: 10.1080/03155986.2019.1706398 |
Risk assessment for wildland fire aerial detection patrol route planning in Ontario, Canada. Colin B. McFayden A G , Douglas G. Woolford B , Aaron Stacey C , Den Boychuk D , Joshua M. Johnston E , Melanie J. Wheatley A and David L. Martell. International Journal of Wildland Fire. DOI: 10.1071/WF19084 |
Hanes, C.; Wotton, M.; Woolford, D.G.; Martell, D.L.; Flannigan, M. Preceding Fall Drought Conditions and Overwinter Precipitation Effects on Spring Wildland Fire Activity in Canada. Fire 2020, 3, 24. https://www.mdpi.com/2571-6255/3/2/24 |
Professor Sean Thomas | Sivarajah, S., Thomas, S. C., & Smith, S. M. (2020). Evaluating the ultraviolet protection factors of urban broadleaf and conifer trees in public spaces. Urban Forestry & Urban Greening, 126679. Urban Forestry & Urban Greening |
Professor Sandy Smith | Rhoda deJonge, Ian M. Jones, Robert S. Bourchier, Sandy M. Smith. 2020. Interpreting host-test results for classical biological control candidates: can the study of native congeners improve the process? January 2020, Biological Control DOI: 10.1080/03155986.2019.1706398 |
Justin M. Gaudon & Sandy M. Smith. Augmentation of native North American natural enemies for the biological control of the introduced emerald ash borer in central Canada. Journal of the International Organization for Biological Control. https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10526-019-09986-6 |
Sivarajah, S., Thomas, S. C., & Smith, S. M. (2020). Evaluating the ultraviolet protection factors of urban broadleaf and conifer trees in public spaces. Urban Forestry & Urban Greening, 126679. Urban Forestry & Urban Greening |
Rhoda B. deJonge, Ian M. jones, Robert S. Bourchier, Sandy M. Smith. Interpreting host-test results for classical biological control candidates: Can the study of native congeners improve the process? Biological Control. Biological Control: deJonge, Jones, Bouchier, Smith |
Justin M. Gaudon, Sandy M. Smith, Augmentation of native North American natural enemies for the biological control of the introduced emerald ash borer in central Canada. Biological Control. Biological Control: Gaudon, Smith |
Graham A. Watt, Brian J. Stocks, Richard A. Fleming, and Sandy M. Smith. Stand breakdown and surface fuel accumulation due to spruce budworm (Choristoneura fumiferana) defoliation in the boreal mixedwood forest of central Canada. NCR Research Press. NCR Research Press: Watt, Stocks, Fleming, Smith |
Justin M. Gaudon, D. Barry Lyons, Gene C. Jones, Jeremy D. Allison, and Sandy M. Smith. Evaluating methods to detect and monitor North American larval parasitoids of the emerald ash borer (Coleoptera: Buprestidae). The Canadian Entomologist. The Canadian Entomologist: Gaudon, Lyons, Jones, Allison, Smith |
Researchers | Papers Reviewed and Published |
Chelene Hanes | Hanes, C.; Wotton, M.; Woolford, D.G.; Martell, D.L.; Flannigan, M. Preceding Fall Drought Conditions and Overwinter Precipitation Effects on Spring Wildland Fire Activity in Canada. Fire 2020, 3,24. https://www.mdpi.com/2571-6255/3/2/24 |
Dr. Sivajanani Sivarajah | Sivarajah, S., Thomas, S. C., & Smith, S. M. (2020). Evaluating the ultraviolet protection factors of urban broadleaf and conifer trees in public spaces. Urban Forestry & Urban Greening, 126679. Urban Forestry & Urban Greening |
Gaudon, J. M., McTavish, M. J., Sivarajah, S., Snyder, E. H., de Andrade, S. M., & Murphy, S. D. (2020). Effects of earthworms and warming on tree seedling growth: A small-scale microcosm experiment. Canadian Journal of Forest Research, (ja). https://www.nrcresearchpress.com/doi/abs/10.1139/cjfr-2020-0097#.XvTKWWhKg2w |
Another paper published last fall by Prof. Patrick James is worth noting. The paper earned a “Genome Publication Award,” placing it among the top ten articles published in the journal Genome in 2019.
Mayrand P, Filotas É, Wittische J, James PMA. 2019. Interactions between spatial and demographic processes inflate the false discovery rate of loci under selection during geographic range expansion. Genome. 62(11): 715-727
As a result the paper is open access and can be found here: