FGSA Newsletter November 2020
Accountability Study Group continues every Thursday at 1pm. Check in with your peers, spend an hour working, and then check in at the end. No need to register, a link is sent out weekly.
Logo Contest Deadline Extended until this Friday the 13th : help design the Institute of Forestry and Conservation’s new logo. Details at the FGSA website here.
Mindful Moments is off this week for Reading Week but will resume next week. Join Niamh Tuesdays at 12:10 on zoom for mindfulness meditation, or join another instructor by checking out the calendar here.
FGSA Elections are coming up! Email fgsa@utoronto.ca with nominations or questions. Nominations are due November 16th and your new FGSA will be elected November 30th-December 1st. Watch out for emails closer to the date.
Ontario Urban Forest Council will be hosting their Annual Summit & AGM November 19th. Register here!
A list of guest lectures can be found here and is hosted on the FGSA website’s NEWS page.
Staff Profile: Markus Peterson
“I joined Forestry in February as the Interim Graduate Administrator, it was certainly an interesting time to start a new role with the pandemic at our doorstep but it gave me the opportunity to learn, adapt and be creative and use the role to assist students, staff and Faculty in an innovative way to ensure that ‘things still got done’.
In my current role, I assist students and Faculty with a wide range of administrative support, including research stream exam coordination, advising, awards and funding and other matters related to academic continuity.
I love working with students, and I approach my job with a vision to always have a positive impact on student experience.
On my time off, I like connecting with family, friends and community, take in a poetry or art show, show up for a good cause to make the world a little better, be around nature or go camping. I also love motorcycles and I am working my way to being legally on the road!”
Tree of the Month
Larix decidua
(European Larch)
This tree is a conifer that sheds its needles. The cones of the European larch are much longer (up to about 4 cm in length) than tamarack needles.
Images: Julian Alvarez-Barkham, Emmett Snyder, Erez Sussman