Haliburton Forest Research Day – Friday, May 10th, 2019
You are invited to Research Day at Haliburton Forest and Wildlife Reserve, featuring members of the Faculty of Forestry.
This event is held once a year to showcase research occurring within Haliburton Forest, and to encourage collaboration and networking between researchers. The presentations are aimed toward a general audience, and this year we have an exciting lineup of presentations with presenters from a variety of institutions across Ontario and Quebec. The event is a great way to find out about the various research projects (both planned and ongoing) at Haliburton Forest, and we would love to see you and your colleagues there. This event is open to all and free to attend.
The event is taking place at the Seminar Building, 1095 Redken Road, Haliburton Forest and Wildlife Reserve.
FGSA will also be assisting in organizing carpools, so you may contact them at fgsa@utoronto.ca.