Ontario Bridge Training Program for Foresters
Funded by:
Do you need training for any competencies to become a Registered Professional Forester?
Next Bridge Training sessions begin January 30, 2017
(late registrations will be accepted until Feb. 8, 2017)
Developed by The Faculty of Forestry in partnership with Canadian Institute of Forestry and Haliburton Forest, The Ontario Bridge Training Program For Foresters provides a series of online course modules and field courses focussed on the demonstrable competency requirements associated with the Canadian Federation of Professional Forestry Associations’ 2008 Certification Standards for the Profession of Forestry in Canada. Courses related to Standards 1, 2, 5 & 7 are now available. Online course modules are 8 weeks in duration, and will be offered through the CIF 3 – 4 times per year. Pending minimum enrollment, field courses are 4 days in duration, and will be offered in the spring and fall seasons.
The Bridge Training program improves access to competency‐based training to help internationally trained foresters and domestically trained forestry practitioners who did not graduate from an accredited Forestry degree program acquire the core competencies, knowledge and skills needed to practice professional forestry in most of Canada.
If you are undergoing a Competency Assessment Process in order to become a Registered Professional Forester in Ontario and most other Canadian jurisdictions, successful completion of Bridge Training Modules and Field Courses will satisfy associated CAP requirements. The Bridge Training Program also provides excellent professional development and competency maintenance opportunities for R.P.F.s who are interested in knowledge and skills “renewal”.
For more information and to register please visit: http://courses.cif-ifc.org/