Spring Convocation 2020
For the first time due to the current COVID pandemic, the University of Toronto hosted a single virtual convocation ceremony on June 2nd for the approximate 15,500 students graduating from its three campuses. Normally spring convocation is spread over more than thirty separate ceremonies during a three-week span, all taking place in Convocation Hall on the St. George Campus in downtown Toronto. This year the ceremony was broadcasted on YouTube which the Daniels Faculty followed up with an online Zoom social party allowing graduates, faculty members and staff to meet up and exchange congratulations with one another.
The ceremony as viewed by an at-home audience:
U of T Chancellor Rose Patten and President Meric Gertler are led into the normally standing room only Convocation Hall.
President Meric Gertler congratulating the Class of 2020.
Nobel Prize Winner (Chemistry 1986) and U of T Professor Emeritus, John Polanyi, gave the Convocation Speaker Address.
Even though celebrations are happening in much different conditions this year and we wish this could have been said in person, Forestry gives a hearty congratulations to their Spring 2020 graduates!
We are very proud of our Class of 2020 and wish them all the best in their future endeavors.
Click here to view the Convocation Ceremony in its entirety:
And a shout-out to Daniels External Relations and Outreach Manager, Nene Brode, for hosting and organizing the post-ceremony Zoom party.