Niloofar Mehdipour Dastjerdi, Ph.D (C).

My name is Niloofar Mehdipour Dastjerdi, and I am a master’s graduate student in environmental planning from Isfahan University of Technology in Iran. I am thrilled to share that I have been accepted into the PhD program in Forestry at the University of Toronto, starting this September. Currently, I am working as a researcher at U of T, focusing on the 3PG (Physiological Principles in Predicting Growth) forest growth model. This research allows me to delve into quantifying forest growth, production, and vulnerability under climate change.
The 3-PG model is instrumental in calculating the radiant energy absorbed by forest canopies and converting it into biomass production. It is both an honor and a privilege for me to collaborate with MTI by supervising an internship student who will be running this model. Through this partnership, I aim to emphasize the significance of wood, not only for its ability to sequester carbon and produce oxygen but also as a renewable resource that can be sustainably managed.