Forestry News


In Memoriam: Professor Emeritus Dibyendu Roy

It is with sad regret to announce that Professor Emeritus Dibyendu Roy quietly passed away on February 16th. Born in Calcutta, India, Dr. Roy started teaching at the Faculty of Forestry in the mid-1960s, spending the next forty years of his career here before retiring. He taught organic chemistry to all the undergraduate forestry students […]

By lauralapchinski | Uncategorized

Recent MFC Graduate wins Forests Ontario’s White Pine Award

On February 4th, 2021, Forests Ontario held their 7th annual conference and first virtual conference, bringing together nearly 500 landowners, forestry professionals, Indigenous leaders, educators, and students from across the province, country, and globe.   “The theme for this year’s conference, Growing Our Future, couldn’t be more timely,” said the Honourable Seamus O’Regan, Minister of […]

By lauralapchinski | Uncategorized

FGSA Newsletter February 2021

News & Upcoming Events Accountability Hours will be starting again this month. They will be held every Wednesday this semester from 1:00pm to 3:00pm. Zoom links will be sent out weekly. The New FGSA Website is up and running. Visit our new site at Be sure to follow us on Facebook (@UofTFGSA) and Instagram […]

By lauralapchinski | Uncategorized

Daniels Lectures: “Forest Management Planning, Data and Analysis Challenges in the Great Lakes-St Lawrence Forest of Ontario” presented by Rob Keron (Feb 17)

Wednesday February 17, 2021 12:00PM EST   Sustainable forest management involves balancing multiple competing objectives for a limited resource.  In this session, Rob Keron from the Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry shares challenges and experience from strategic forest management planning in Ontario’s Great Lakes – St Lawrence Forest region.   Rob Keron graduated […]

By lauralapchinski | Uncategorized

Daniels Lectures: “Rare Plant Communities in Ontario” presented by Wasyl Bakowsky (Feb 10)

Wednesday February 10, 2021 12:00 PM EST   This lecture is a presentation on the Great Lakes dunes, Southern Ontario prairies and savannahs, Northwestern Ontario prairies and savannahs, and alvars. The presentation will include habitat photos, and the plants that grow in these areas.   Wasyl Bakowsky is the Community Ecologist for the Natural Heritage […]

By lauralapchinski | Uncategorized

University of Hong Kong professor Juan Du appointed as the Daniels Faculty’s next dean

The Daniels Faculty is pleased to announce that Juan Du, a professor at the University of Hong Kong, will be joining the John H. Daniels Faculty of Architecture, Landscape, and Design as its new dean, effective July 1, 2021, for a five-year term. She will join the Daniels Faculty at the rank of full professor. […]

By lauralapchinski | Uncategorized

GRIT Lab launches a new NSERC CREATE interdisciplinary training and research program on living green infrastructure

  December 2020 will mark a full decade of environmental research at the University of Toronto’s Green Roof Innovation Testing Laboratory (GRIT Lab). Spearheaded by landscape architecture professor Liat Margolis in collaboration with civil engineering professors Jennifer Drake and Brent Sleep, biology professor Scott MacIvor, and forestry professor Sean Thomas, GRIT Lab has become an […]

By lauralapchinski | Uncategorized

Master of Forest Conservation Virtual Capstone Project Presentations

Tuesday, December 8th to Thursday, December 10th Zoom If you’re a student in forestry, architecture, or landscape architecture, or if you’re a member of the public with an interest in ecological management, you are invited to attend our virtual Master of Forest Conservation capstone presentations. Each MFC capstone will include a 15-minute presentation followed by […]

By lauralapchinski | Uncategorized