Convocation 2019!
It was quite the wet and soggy day on June 13th as the Faculty of Forestry’s Class of 2019 celebrated their convocation. Although the weather may not have been especially conducive for photos, our Forestry graduates did manage to march into Convocation Hall before the torrents of rain poured down. To our 31 MFCs, 1 […]
Diversity strengthens forests: A Women in Wood article by Janani Sivarajah, PhD Candidate
“I expected you to have an accent, but you spoke the clearest out of all the speakers” We often think of people in forestry as two units “women vs men”, but undermine the importance of heterogeneity and diversity within genders. Diversity is a complex term that also includes race, and age. Having a diverse group […]
The Faculty of Forestry and MOCA Presents ‘The Life of a Dead Tree’ Summer Exhibition
The Life of a Dead Tree Mark Dion May 24–July 28, 2019 Floor 3 Artist Mark Dion brings a massive, fully grown, deceased tree, along with its inhabitants, to MOCA for the museum’s first summer exhibition in the Tower Automotive Building. This specially conceived project marks the 100th anniversary of the Tower Automotive building and […]
Haliburton Forest Research Day – Friday, May 10th, 2019
You are invited to Research Day at Haliburton Forest and Wildlife Reserve, featuring members of the Faculty of Forestry. This event is held once a year to showcase research occurring within Haliburton Forest, and to encourage collaboration and networking between researchers. The presentations are aimed toward a general audience, and this year we have an […]
Celebrating Forestry’s 112th Anniversary
The Faculty of Forestry is the oldest forestry school in Canada and was founded in 1907 by Bernhard Fernow (Dean 1907-19), the first Chief Forester of the United States Forest Service who is recognized as the father of scientific forest management in North America. Because of the rapidity of forest exploitation during the nineteenth century, […]
Professor Sandy Smith Awarded ISA’s Maple Leaf Award
The Ontario Chapter of the International Society of Arboriculture (ISA) is a scientific and educational organization whose primary mission is to disseminate information and knowledge in the care and preservation of trees. They are involved in many major projects throughout the province relating to best industry practices, arborist education and training, and public education and […]
FGSA Presents CIF Lecture – Thursday, March 21st
FGSA Presents CIF Lecture Please join the Forestry Graduate Student Union as they present Praise to Diversity: a Functional Approach to Increase Resilience of the Urban Forest by Dr. Christian Messier Professor, Forest Ecology and Urban Forestry, Université du Québec en Outaouais (UQO), part of the Canadian Institute of Forestry’s E-Lecture Series. The broadcast will […]