A Celebration of Life Service for Professor Emeritus Forrest Buckingham
Professor Forrest Buckingham, a favourite professor here at the Faculty of Forestry from 1957 until his retirement in 1988, recently passed away in December. Professor Buckingham specialized in forest mensuration and statistics, forest climatology, and forest hydrology, teaching both undergraduate and graduate students. A Celebration of Life Service for Professor Buckingham will take place on […]
How Toronto’s ravines have become critically ill — and how they can be saved
Click here to read the article from Toronto Star Other links related to Toronto’s Ravine: Ecological collapse of Toronto’s ravine system has begun, researcher says How much would an inventory of trees in Toronto’s ravine system cost? City will find out Forest ecologist Eric Davies on Toronto’s oldest trees Studies say Toronto’s ravines and […]
Wood at Work Conference 2018 | Toronto
Message from Hon. Vic Fedeli, Minister of Finance Click here to to see photos of Wood at Work Conference 2018 www.woodatwork.ca
Reflections on searching for and finding Kirtland’s Warbler: An Article by Paul Aird, Professor Emertus
Reflections on searching for and finding Kirtland’s Warbler in Ontario and Québec, 1976-2016 An article by the Faculty of Forestry’s Paul Aird, Professor Emertus, which appeared in the August 2018 edition of Ontario Birds, the journal of the Ontario Field Ornithologists.
MFC Student Laura Nguyen Wins Tree Canada’s Urban Forestry Student Award
The Faculty of Forestry congratulates MFC student Laura Nguyen on representing us well by winning the 2018 Tree Canada Urban Forestry Student Award. Tree Canada awards students “who have a strong interest in and dedication for urban forestry as demonstrated by their academic, volunteerism and extra-curricular activities.” Laura was presented with the award at the […]
Recent history and foresters: A Women in Wood Article by Dr. Anne Koven
Anne Koven graduated with a Ph.D. from the University of Toronto’s Faculty of Forestry where she is an instructor and adjunct professor. She served as Vice Chair of the Ontario Environmental Assessment Board where she conducted the Class Environmental Assessment Hearing for Timber Management on Crown Lands in Ontario. She has also been actively involved in […]
Wildfires will only get worse unless we learn how to live with them
Mike Wotton, a Research Scientist at the University of Toronto featured in The Globe and Mail. Wildfire activity and its impact are increasing around much of the world. We see it on the news every summer now. Different locations (and sometimes the same locations) and different impacts – sometimes terrible, tragic impacts – but everywhere […]
One man’s quest to restore native Canadian trees to Toronto
Faculty of Forestry PhD candidate Eric Davies was featured in two major newspaper articles this week featuring his work creating a permanent record of Toronto’s ecological past in mapping out significant native tree species and collecting seed specimens for present-day and future planting to preserve the city’s natural environmental history. The Globe and Mail: One […]