The city has a responsibility to tackle environmental issues, says David Miller
Former Toronto mayor David Miller says municipal governments must look beyond monetary incentives to make cities greener With political turmoil in the U.S. driving environmental challenges to take a backseat at the federal level, cities need to take the lead on green issues, said David Miller, former mayor of Toronto at an event last week […]
Ontario Bridge Training Program for Foresters
Funded by: Do you need training for any competencies to become a Registered Professional Forester? Next Bridge Training sessions begin January 30, 2017 (late registrations will be accepted until Feb. 8, 2017) Developed by The Faculty of Forestry in partnership with Canadian Institute of Forestry and Haliburton Forest, The Ontario Bridge Training Program For Foresters […]
Nordea Science Prize 2016, Kristiina Oksman
Nordea Science Prize 2016 Goes to Bio4Energy Researcher Kristiina Oksman The Nordea Science Prize 2016 has been awarded Bio4Energy researcher Kristiina Oksman, professor at the Luleå University of Technology (LTU) and adjunct professor at Faculty of Forestry, University of Toronto. She received it during a prize ceremony held last weekend at Luleå in northern Sweden. It […]
Climate Change Solution for Auto Sectors Workshop
CLIMATE CHANGE SOLUTION FOR CANADIAN AUTO-SECTORS WORKSHOP Monday, December 12th, 2016 Hosted by University of Toronto Sponsored by Innovative Chemistry and Engineering Solutions to GHGs Reduction Climate change is one of the most significant challenges facing the world today to achieve sustainable development and this threatens to drag millions of people into relentless poverty. This […]
Green Legacies – Malcolm Cockwell
When it comes to the local food movement and sustainability, Malcolm Cecil-Cockwell reflects that people who think a lot about their food need to think more about their tables. VIC 1T1 grad (Malcolm) who talks at being a forester and the GM of the 110,000 acre Haliburton Forest. And the 7T3 grad (John)… The entire […]
An Army of Tree Lovers
U of T’s Faculty of Forestry is teaching Torontonians how to care for one of the city’s most valuable resources – its trees. David Grant is passionate about Toronto’s trees. He’s particularly fond of the majestic silver maple that stood outside his Cabbagetown home. But he’d never thought much about how to care for it […]
Faculty’s Climate Change Workshop
TRANSFORMATIVE RESEARCH TO COMBAT CLIMATE CHANGE CHALLENGE WORKSHOP Industry Leaders, Researchers and Government Officials Come Together To Explore New Approaches in Using Carbon Dioxide Chemical and Engineering Methods in the Fight Against Climate Change On October 12th, 2016, The University of Toronto, Ford Motor Company and the National Sciences and Engineering Council of Canada hosted […]
U of T students crowdfund their biochar study
Not your father’s research proposal: U of T students crowdfund their biochar study The Chrysler plant in Brampton is probably not the first place that comes to mind when thinking about funding sources for graduate research. But that’s one of the places that University of Toronto Forestry PhD students Nigel Gale and Md. Abdul Halim went […]